This is how it all (re-)starts…

A while ago, I decided that it was time to blog again. Share my thoughts across the world. Great news! Alina wants to do the same, so we decided that Roboslang should be revived once more. We have a short chat about the topics and we are off … This was 1 year ago.

I restarted the whole process recently. It took me a couple of weeks to decide on the blogging platform:

  • either Hugo, and other tools that statically compile some sort of markup language
  • or the good old WordPress. We had WordPress already installed on the server we are using and I was perfectly aware we could configure plugins to make the whole writing process bearable.

Don’t get me wrong, I highly recommend WP to anyone who wants a collaborative environment, especially for people with little technical capabilities. Bear in mind that you would probably need someone to deal with all maintenance, not matter how large is your operation.

It annoys me that every time I want to find a simple blogging solution I find everything so complicated to configure that I get lost in all the options. I am a computer scientist, but sometimes I believe that along the way, we forgot that blogging is about words, ink and paper, and not about options.

So I decided to put together a simple platform, that will format Markdown, because sometimes I like to publish code samples. As a proof of concept: 1. it had to be simple so I could build more complex elements on top of it, if required; 2. should not require more than 1-2 days of work to setup; 3. I did not want to be worried about security, so the content had to be static in the first instance.

Et voilà …


Since then, I switched back to Hugo and Gitlab pages. I think the whole deployment process makes everything more fun for a couple of geeks like us.